Детский Музыкально-литературный Театр "Птица Гамаюнъ" - репетиции и подготовки к спектаклям


Our theatre project

The Children’s musical-literature Theater for young performers “Gamayun Bird”

From 2014
Category Theatre
Founded – March 2014
Location - Moscow, Prospekt Mira 30, the “Silver age” Muzeum
Classes - are given twice a week
Courses: Acting, Stage movement, lectures in Art history and the Silver Age writers
Productions - staging of the famous works of the Silver Age poets and writers
Tel: 8 (495) 680-86-83 / 8 (926) 624-47-62
Museum website http://goslitmuz.ru/museums/muzey-serebryanogo-veka/
Theatre website: http://ptiza-gamayun.ru

Our goal:

The main purpose of this project is to introduce children to the world’s theatre tradition, getting them acquainted with the literature, music and arts through fun-filled, game-like acting. Our ethos is to focus attention on the individual, with emphasis on encouraging creativity and imagination, bringing out their fantasy and teaching them about interpretations, cultivating their artistic skills and developing a deeper understanding of the dramatic arts.

Our performances:

The Children’s musical-literature Theater “Gamayun Bird” performed on different stages in Moscow, including The Museum of Silver Age, The Central House of Journalists, The Pashkov House, the International Hall of Music and Arts. The stagings include works by K. Chukovsky, K. Evald, K. Sen-Sans, F. Dombrovsky, V. Mirovich, P. Solovieva with poems by Balmont, Blok, Merezhovsky among others. The musical accompaniment varies from Mozart and Bach to the XXth century Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Debussy.

Please click here for the program leaflets and posters: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/G2fD/MvTNV5GfK